1. Plug in the drive to the head node. Reboot.
2. List disks and their partitions:
/sbin/fdisk -l
3. Find your new SSD drive in the output. In my case it was called "/dev/sdb". It probably needs to be partitioned and formatted so fdisk may say something like "Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table."
4. Partition the disk
/sbin/fdisk /dev/sdb
Follow menu items:
>n (create a new partition)
>p (primary partition)
>1 (partition number)
>accept defaults to make the entire disk a single partition
>w (write the new partition)
5. Verify that the partition table for the SSD is how you want it:
/sbin/fdisk -l
6. Find out what disk format other volumes on the head node are using (ext3, ext4, etc).
df -T
7. Format the SSD similarly. I will use ext3.
/sbin/mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1
8. Create a mount point, make it writable by everyone, mount the disk, verify it mounted. It's a good idea to keep it in the /export/home directory since that is a place that Rocks likes to share.
mkdir /export/home/SSDscratch
chmod a+w /export/home/SSDscratch
mount /dev/sdb1 /export/home/SSDscratch
df -T
9. Modify /etc/exports so NFS shares the new mount:
cp /etc/exports /etc/exportsORIG #backup the original file
vi /etc/exports
Using vi (or whatever you like), add line like:"/export/home/SSDscratch,async,no_root_squash),async)"
10. Modify /etc/auto.share:
cp /etc/auto.share /etc/auto.shareORIG
vi /etc/auto.share
Add line like:"SSDscratch MyCluster.local:/export/home/SSDscratch"
11. Modify /etc/auto.home:
cp /etc/auto.home /etc/auto.homeORIG
vi /etc/auto.home
Add line like:"SSDscratch -nfsvers=3 MyCluster.local:/export/home/SSDscratch"
12. Modify /etc/fstab so it automatically mounts:
cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstabORIG
vi /etc/fstab
Add line like:"/dev/sdb1 /export/home/SSDscratch ext3 defaults 0 0"
13. Restart NFS and sync cluster. This sends the modified files to all nodes:
/sbin/service nfs restart
rocks sync users
14. To load the new settings on the nodes, I had to reboot them:
rocks run host 'reboot'
15. To verify that the SSD is mounted automatically, reboot the head node. (If it won't reboot, the problem is likely in the /etc/fstab file. Revert /etc/fstab to /etc/fstabORIG by booting from a live disk and try again.):
16. Verify that the SSD directory is mounted on all nodes. It should mount at /home/SSDscratch:
16. Verify that the SSD directory is mounted on all nodes. It should mount at /home/SSDscratch:
rocks run host compute 'hostname; ls -l /home/SSDscratch'
If not, rocks sync users again and reboot. You may have to reboot twice for unknown reasons.
Congratulate yourself. That was a lot of work.