
Add shared SSD drive to Rocks cluster

Problem: You might want to add an SSD drive to speed up procedures that have a lot of disk I/O.  What follows is a description of just one way to do this.  If you are clever, you can probably manage without any restarts.  I am not so clever.  The description assumes that the cluster is named "MyCluster" and the SSD drive is named "SSDscratch". You will need to be root.
1. Plug in the drive to the head node. Reboot.
2. List disks and their partitions:
/sbin/fdisk -l
3. Find your new SSD drive in the output. In my case it was called "/dev/sdb". It probably needs to be partitioned and formatted so fdisk may say something like "Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table."
4. Partition the disk
/sbin/fdisk /dev/sdb
     Follow menu items:
     >n (create a new partition)
        >p (primary partition)
           >1 (partition number)
              >accept defaults to make the entire disk a single partition
     >w (write the new partition)
5. Verify that the partition table for the SSD is how you want it:
/sbin/fdisk -l
6. Find out what disk format other volumes on the head node are using (ext3, ext4, etc).
df -T
7. Format the SSD similarly.  I will use ext3.
/sbin/mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1
8. Create a mount point, make it writable by everyone, mount the disk, verify it mounted. It's a good idea to keep it in the /export/home directory since that is a place that Rocks likes to share.
mkdir /export/home/SSDscratch
chmod a+w /export/home/SSDscratch
mount /dev/sdb1 /export/home/SSDscratch
df -T
9. Modify /etc/exports so NFS shares the new mount:
cp /etc/exports /etc/exportsORIG #backup the original file
vi /etc/exports
     Using vi (or whatever you like), add line like:"/export/home/SSDscratch,async,no_root_squash),async)"
10. Modify /etc/auto.share:
cp /etc/auto.share /etc/auto.shareORIG
vi /etc/auto.share
     Add line like:"SSDscratch MyCluster.local:/export/home/SSDscratch"
11. Modify /etc/auto.home:
cp /etc/auto.home /etc/auto.homeORIG
vi /etc/auto.home
     Add line like:"SSDscratch    -nfsvers=3      MyCluster.local:/export/home/SSDscratch"
12. Modify /etc/fstab so it automatically mounts:
cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstabORIG
vi /etc/fstab
     Add line like:"/dev/sdb1     /export/home/SSDscratch     ext3     defaults     0 0"
13. Restart NFS and sync cluster. This sends the modified files to all nodes:
/sbin/service nfs restart
rocks sync users
14. To load the new settings on the nodes, I had to reboot them:
rocks run host 'reboot'
15. To verify that the SSD is mounted automatically, reboot the head node. (If it won't reboot, the problem is likely in the /etc/fstab file. Revert /etc/fstab to /etc/fstabORIG by booting from a live disk and try again.):
16. Verify that the SSD directory is mounted on all nodes. It should mount at /home/SSDscratch:
rocks run host compute 'hostname; ls -l /home/SSDscratch'
     If not, rocks sync users again and reboot. You may have to reboot twice for unknown reasons.

Congratulate yourself. That was a lot of work.


MPI_Bcast large dynamic char array

SysAdmins hate it when all your MPI procs access their precious disks.  The preferred procedure is to read from the disk once, using a single proc, then pass the data to all of the other procs.  In principle MPI_Bcast makes this easy.  In practice...you decide.

I needed to do this for arbitrary file sizes of a gigabyte or more containing string data.  The process is conceptually simple:

1. Use the root process (proc 0) to get the file size.
2. MPI_Bcast this file size to all procs.
3. Initialize and size a char array to contain the file data on all procs.
4. Use proc 0 to read the data file.
5. MPI_Bcast the file data to all procs.

Here is a prototype.
Save:  testmpi.cpp.
Compile:  mpic++ -o t testmpi.cpp.
Run:  mpirun -np 8 t yourbigfile.txt
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

//determine the size of a file
std::ifstream::pos_type filesize(const char* filename)
std::ifstream in(filename, std::ifstream::ate | std::ifstream::binary);
return in.tellg(); 

//quickly reads a large .dat file into a memory buffer
char * MyBigRead(char* DatFilePath)
FILE * pFile;
unsigned long long lSize;
char * buffer;
size_t result;

pFile = fopen ( DatFilePath , "r" );
if (pFile==NULL) {fputs ("File error",stderr); exit (1);}

// obtain file size:
fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
lSize = ftell (pFile);
rewind (pFile);

// allocate memory to contain the whole file:
buffer = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*lSize);
if (buffer == NULL) {fputs ("Memory error",stderr); exit (2);}

// copy the file into the buffer:
result = fread (buffer,1,lSize,pFile);
if (result != lSize) {fputs ("Reading error",stderr); exit (3);}

fclose (pFile);
return buffer;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

MPI::Init ();
int procid = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank ( );  //Get the individual process ID.
int nprocs = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size ( );

unsigned long long f = 0; //dat file size

//get the size of the dat file using proc 0
if (procid == 0)
f = (unsigned long long)filesize(argv[1]); 
f = f + 1; //increase by 1 to accomodate \0 string terminator

//broadcast file size to all procs

//initialize and size the data structure to hold contents of dat file
char * DatFileBuffer = (char*)malloc(f);

//report before MPI_Bcast'ing the data
printf("[proc%d]Before: snippet of DatFileBuffer:>%.5s<, size:%d\n", procid, DatFileBuffer, f);

//read the dat file from disk using proc 0
if (procid == 0)
char * d = MyBigRead(argv[1]);

//convert the char* to a char array
strcpy(DatFileBuffer, d); //copy data read into char * d to the pre-sized DatFileBuffer

//broadcast the dat file contents to all procs
MPI_Bcast(&DatFileBuffer[0], f, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

//report after MPI_Bcast'ing the data
printf("[proc%d]After: snippet of DatFileBuffer:>%.10s<, size:%d\n", procid, DatFileBuffer, f);

return 0;


Convert PLINK to fastPHASE with BASH and GNU Parallel

Problem: The converter built in to PLINK converts nucleotide encoded data to a 0/1 binary format automatically when using --recode-fastphase to create a fastPHASE input file. This causes irretrievable loss of information.

Solution:  I can't find any way around this other than to make a new converter.
1. Using PLINK, recode .ped file such that each chromosome has its own .ped/.map set of files.  Something like:
./plink --file mydata --chr 1 --recode --out malc1;
./plink --file mydata --chr 2 --recode --out malc2;

2. Use the following script to create fastPHASE input files. Enter your values for 'nchr', 'iroot', and 'oroot' after the function dbl().
dbl() {
nrow=$(wc -l "$f" | awk '{print $1}');
echo "splitting row $i/$nrow";

# split lines containing genotypes, by allele, for each individual
#odd alleles
odd=$(sed -n $i"p" "$f" | tr ' ' '\n' | tail -n +7 | sed -n 'p;n' | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $//g');
#even alleles
even=$(sed -n $i"p" "$f" | tr ' ' '\n' | tail -n +7 | sed -n 'g;n;p' | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $//g');
echo "$odd" > "$i.tmp";
echo "$even" >> "$i.tmp";
export -f dbl;

nchr=17; #number of chromosomes
iroot="malc"; #root string of input files for each chromosome
oroot="chr"; #root string for output files, in fastPHASE format
for ((i=1;i<=$nchr;i++));
  do echo "chr"$i;
    export infile="$iroot""$i";
    h1=$(wc -l "$infile".ped | awk '{print $1}'); #n samples for fastPHASE header line 1
    h2a=$(head -1 "$infile".ped | awk '{print NF}');
    h2=$((($h2a-6)/2)); #n loci for fastPHASE header line 2
    h3a=$(awk '{print $4}' "$infile".map);
    h3=$(echo "P $h3a" | tr "\n" " "); #locus positions for fastPHASE header line 3
    s=$(awk '{print $2}' "$infile".ped);
    #split single line per sample plink format into two line per sample fastPHASE format
    seq 1 $h1 | parallel --env dbl --env infile dbl;

    #Reassemble into a single file:
    echo "$h1" > "$outfile";
    echo "$h2" >> "$outfile";
    echo "$h3" >> "$outfile";
    for ((j=1;j<=$h1;j++));
      do sample=$(echo "$s" | sed -n $j"p")" ";
        echo "writing chr $i sample $sample $j/$h1";
        echo '>'"$sample" >> "$outfile";
        head -1 "$j.tmp" | sed 's/0/?/g' >> "$outfile";
        tail -n +2 "$j.tmp" | sed 's/0/?/g' >> "$outfile";
        rm "$j.tmp";

3. Phase away.


Transpose large data matrix using BASH. II. GNU Parallel.

In a prior post, I presented a low memory BASH solution for transposing large data matrices.  Here is a way to speed that basic procedure using parallel processing on an HPC.

1. Generate a large data table for testing (~2GB, ~1E9 elements):
seq -s' ' 1 $ncol > m.txt;
foo=$(for ((i=1; i<=$ncol; i++));
   echo $[ 1 + $[ RANDOM % 4 ]]; 
foo=$(echo $foo | tr "\n" " ");
export nrow;
export foo;
perl -e 'for($i=0;$i<$ENV{nrow};$i++){print "$ENV{foo}\n"}' >> m.txt;

Notes: In the 3rd line, a header is created such that columns will be labeled consecutively.  These become important later.  Watch this step, some Linux versions add a linebreak, others do not.  You want the linebreak.

2. Run on HPC using GNU Parallel:
seq 1 $ncol | parallel --sshloginfile ~/machines --jobs 24 "cut -d' ' -f{} $InputFile | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $/\n/g' > ~/{}.txt; echo Col {};";

Notes: The method above works as follows. First, seq delivers a set of numbers (from 1 to the total number of columns in the input matrix) to GNU Parallel.  GNU Parallel then distributes $ncol jobs among nodes specified in the file ~/machines.  The option --jobs 24 specifies that each node has 24 cores.  This approach cuts a single column from the input file, transposes it, then writes it to disk.  I had no luck with the GNU Parallel option --keep-order, which would presumably allow one to avoid this intermediate write step.

3. Fuse the output files together:
> mrot.txt;
for ((i=1; i<=$ncol; i++));
   cat "$i.txt" >> mrot.txt;
   rm "$i.txt";


Fun with triangular matrices and bash

val="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15";

j=1; k=0;
v=$(echo $val | wc -w); #number of elements in $val
r=$(printf "%.0f" $(echo "sqrt(2*$v+(1/4))-(1/2)" | bc -l)); #number of rows needed in matrix to accomodate $v elements

#Lower triangle, by row
for ((i=1;i<=$r;i++));
  do m=$(($j+$k));
    j=$(($j+$k)); k=$(($k+1));
    n=$(printf "%.0f" $(echo "($k+1)*($k/2)" | bc -l));
    echo $val | cut -d' ' -f$m-$n;

2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15

#Upper triangle, by row, tab-delimited
nvals=$(($r - 1));
for ((i=1;i<=$r+1;i++));
    #write blanks
    for ((j=1;j<=$nblanks;j++)); do echo -n $'X\t'; done;

    #write zero on diagonal
    echo -n $'0\t';
    #write values from input
    n=$(($m + $nvals));
    echo -n $val | cut -d' ' -f$m-$n | tr " " "\t";
    nblanks=$(($nblanks + 1));
    nvals=$(($nvals - 1));
    m=$(($n + 1));
echo "$mat";  

0     1     2     3     4     5
X     0     6     7     8     9
X     X     0     10    11    12
X     X     X     0     13    14
X     X     X     X     0     15
X     X     X     X     X     0

#Lower triangle, by column, comma-delimited
  #rotate the matrix
  p=$(echo "$mat" | head -1 | awk '{print NF}');
  for (( i=1; i<=$p; i++ ));
     foo=$(echo "$mat" | cut -d$'\t' -f$i);
     echo $foo | tr " " "," | sed 's/X//g';
