
Install 'screen' from CentOS base repository on Rocks 5.5 cluster using 'yum'

On my install of Rocks 5.5 running CentOS 5.8, there was no working 'screen' command.  You need 'screen'. Really. Following the few threads out there I became mired in the exasperating process of adding a yum repository to Rocks.  Don't be like me, don't follow the instructions at:
This particular problem is much easier to solve.  The repo is already there, just not enabled.

1. Determine which repositories, already installed on your cluster, are enabled:

yum repolist all

For me, the only enabled repository was Rocks-5.5. 'Screen' is not found there, so that when you run:

yum install screen

you get:

Setting up Install Process
No package screen available.
Nothing to do

2. Enable the CentOS base repository:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
cat CentOS-Base.repo

note that:
enabled = 0

change that:

cp CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Base.repo.old          #preserve the initial file
perl -0pe 's/\[base\]\nenabled = 0/\[base\]\nenabled = 1/' CentOS-Base.repo > CentOS-Base.repo.new

cat CentOS-Base.repo.new

note that now:
enabled = 1

rename new file to original file name:

mv CentOS-Base.repo.new CentOS-Base.repo

3. Verify that CentOS base repository is now enabled:

yum repolist all

4. Proceed with normal installation process using yum:

yum install screen

...hooray, screen.